
Today, the first day of a new year, I set my intention. For three days I have had percolating in the back of my mind, how I wish to live, be, and embrace this coming year as though it were my last. What do I dare to do? How do I wish to live, not merely exist? Who has my cat become? LOL She has exemplified grace, acceptance and  true meditation though 3 complete household moves. As I live to serve her (in her mind, I project) she is teaching me ancient wisdom. BE HERE NOW.


I am reminded that in each relationship, friendship, face to face, I can speak in a language that is understood by that person. Language is formidable, language is basic to our needs. As I uncover more of my abilities, sometimes I become confused by past or future incidents wafting through.

It has been a challenging journey to come to a place of knowing:

Major lifestyle changes, commitment, discipline, focus, endless journaling and self-talk, therapeutic helpers costing great deals of $, all this personal work to discover who I really am to begin with. What irony! All necessary  as I remain steadfast in my resolve to move forward and not remain stagnant.  I enjoy opening my network of kindness. I am Happier moving forward. That tells me I am in the flow.

Accepting the here and now doesn’t mean I am freaked out about circumstances today. I am cool aware of my up-coming challenges and prepared to remain calm in the eye of the storm. I have used  a wonderful vehicle to remain clear and sober, connecting with other like souls who I lovingly refer to as the “Walking Wounded,” long enough to uncover my true self, not the one layered onto me as a toddler. A friend of mine said it is a newfound self mastery.I

Itadakimasu is a word of Japanese gratitude that is said before each meal. If I think about a word other than English, it gives me time to be here now.

Namaste’ Ya’ll